Dopamine causes seeking behavior. Our neanderthal ancestors searched for food, water and shelter. Today, many of us have those basic needs, so we fill our desire to seek with other sources of information: enter social media.
Photos that you can feel, smell and pass down for generations through albums that get a little heavier each year.
Some of our favorite gift ideas that get the screened-in folks in your life, out of the cloud and back into real life.
Personally, I wish I could say my parents were not addicted to their technology. Lately it appears to rule their world
Unless you want to volunteer to yell to a bus of people to pick their heads up, we have to start with ourselves.
There’s something about coffee shared with friends, sipping out of a real mug and having life-giving conversations.
If the best way to make friends is to be one, let’s be brave and ask our friends to put. the. phones. down.
It is not strange for me to have coffee with a co-worker and the number of cellphones, laptops and iPads to out number the humans at the table.
We just feed each other shit and hope no one calls us on it. Figure if we're all doing it, it's okay.
Show up, differently by letting the people in your life know that they get first dibs, simply by being physically present in your life.
Getting rid of your smartphone doesn't necessarily provide immediate gratification for a more relaxed life.
When I buy an album on iTunes there isn’t a story. Just an album cover, a face, a few dollar signs beside each song.
There’s an art to the phone call that is evaporating into the ether.