Jess Davis is the founder of Folk Rebellion - a movement where she promotes slower-living and the more mindful use of technology.

As a formerly plugged-in digital strategist and award-winning brand consultant, her fast tech-based career allowed her a unique perspective from the inside - out. 

After 10+ years of helping clients find their digital voices, Jess looked up and realized she had in fact, helped create a society that was no longer present or connected at all. After much soul searching, research, and family-imposed vacations offline, she discovered her calling - to use her megaphone to inspire folks (and herself) to return to living in "real-life" ... all while balancing their digital one.

Jess is a speaker on the topics of unplugging, technology, balance, and slow living and a regular contributor for Huffington Post, Elite Daily, and Wanderlust. Her workshops, coaching, and corporate wellness programs share the learning’s of Folk Rebellion. 

Her rebel spirit is fueled by meandering, cliffs, live music, New Orleans, bulldogs, her family, autumn, the Adirondacks, being bored and whiskey...not necessarily in that order.

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